Public relations

Find the formula for a great brand story

Written by Chris Hewitt

30 October 2019


Chris Hewitt is the founder and Chief Storyteller here at Berkeley Communications. His experience of helping businesses find their message through the Berkeley Storytelling Academy has allowed him to build the formula for telling a great brand story.

All stories follow the same basic architecture. Think about it, every movie or book you have ever loved made you feel something.

You remember stories your parents told you as a child because they meant something to you. You felt them. They’ve kept you safe.

We identify with environmental activist Greta Thunberg because she makes us feel – she makes us feel we should be doing more. We buy into Apple because we want to feel like the cool kids, we want to ‘think different’.

What if you could apply this story template to your business and help you cut through the noise to make your customers feel something about you? The good news is you can.

Stories have changed the course of history. Imagine what they can do for your business.

Watch Chris break down the formula for telling a great story in his latest vlog.

Develop your brand story with Berkeley Storytelling Academy. Book a place now