Berkeley Communications

Strategic brand building for the German market



Key Results

Over 500 million online visits

85 articles across print and online media

Estimated 1.3 million people reached with print media



Date 2024

Learning is the source of human progress. It has the power to transform our lives, our communities, and our world. Coursera’s mission is to ensure that everyone has access to the best possible learning, regardless of who or where they are.

The challenge: Breaking through in a crowded market

When Coursera set its sights on expanding its footprint in Germany, they faced a familiar challenge: cutting through the noise in a crowded and competitive marketplace.

With brand awareness lagging, and a diverse media landscape to navigate (targeting both B2B and B2C publications), Coursera partnered with Berkeley Kommunikation to chart a course toward greater visibility and recognition in the German market.

The strategy: A three-pronged approach

Berkeley’s approach was rooted in a three-pronged strategy (between August 2023 and March 2024):

  • Building relationships: First, they set out to establish a proactive press office, fostering direct and meaningful relationships with key journalists and editors. This wasn’t about mass emails or generic pitches; it was about understanding the needs of each media outlet and tailoring their approach accordingly.
  • Thought leadership: Second, they launched a thought leadership content program designed to position Coursera as more than just another online learning platform. Byline articles, commentaries, and press releases – all crafted with a focus on quality and relevance – showcased Coursera’s insights and expertise.
  • Making a splash: Finally, Berkeley Communications and Coursera orchestrated a high-profile press event in Cologne, bringing Coursera’s CEO and DACH Director face-to-face with influential journalists. The theme, “How is AI revolutionising education in Germany?”, tapped into a timely and relevant topic – generating buzz and anticipation for the Coursera brand.

The Impact: numbers that tell a story

Over the following months, the results began to speak for themselves.

  • Reaching millions: Eighty-five articles appeared in print and online, with the print articles reaching an estimated 1.3 million people and the online articles gaining over half a billion visits.
  • Gaining credibility: Coveted placements in tier 1 business publications like FAZ, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and Handelsblatt lent credibility and prestige.
  • Creating buzz: The Cologne event was a resounding success, with several attendees including representatives from top-tier media outlets.

The campaign, rooted in engaging narratives and human connection, showcased the impact of authentic relationships and compelling stories. By leveraging an engaging narrative and strategic communication, Berkeley Kommunikation has helped Coursera solidify itself reputation in Germany as an industry leader in the online education space.

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