Berkeley Communications

Modular robotics market leadership



Key Results

180+ articles secured in six months, including placements in ‘Handelsblatt’ and ‘Süddeutsche Zeitung’ and a cover story in ‘Markt und Mittelstand’.

One billion+ potential visits online and a print circulation of over two million.



Date 2024

When it comes to robotics, innovation is the lifeblood of success. RobCo, an expert in modular, affordable, and connected robotic automation solutions, recognised however that technological prowess alone wouldn’t guarantee their position at the forefront of the industry.

They needed to raise awareness, ignite investor confidence, and amplify their brand’s voice across a competitive landscape.

The challenge: Creating noise in a busy marketplace

While their modular solutions were pushing boundaries, RobCo still needed to differentiate themselves from a growing field of competitors, all vying for the attention of investors and market share – especially regarding the financing round (Series B).

This was about more than just being heard; it was about being understood. RobCo needed to articulate their own unique narrative, demonstrate the real-world impact of their solutions, and build trust with a diverse audience including industry insiders and potential investors.


The Solution: A strategic PR transformation

To raise RobCo’s profile and get them in-front of the right audience, Berkeley Kommunikation crafted a PR strategy tailored to its specific needs and goals. It went beyond the press releases and media placements – focussed instead on creating a narrative that resonated with investors, the market, and the wider world.

  • The launchpad: The campaign kicked off with an impressive $39 million+ financing round; acting as a launchpad for RobCo’s ascent. Berkeley Kommunikation, alongside RobCo and its investors, ensured this news reached the right ears and positioning RobCo as an attractive prospect and a force to be reckoned with in the market.
  • Thought leadership amplified: Through carefully crafted interviews and thought-provoking articles, Berkeley Kommunikation showcased the insights of RobCo’s key players, establishing them as thought leaders shaping the future of robotics.
  • Targeted media placements: Using strategically placed case studies in leading trade publications, Berkeley Kommunication helped to showcase RobCo’s innovative solutions and real-world impact.
  • A high-profile office opening: To generate a widespread buzz, Berkeley supported RobCo’s grand office opening, featuring high-profile figures like Christian Lindner (Federal Minister of Finance) and Frank Thelen (investor). Berkeley guaranteed coverage about this in top business, trade, and local media publications.
  • Enhanced engagement: Social media content support was provided to amplify RobCo’s key messaging and to foster community engagement, further extending reach and influence.

The result: Getting RobCo noticed

The campaign proved to be highly successful, raising awareness for the RobCo brand in the market and with investors:

  • Extensive media coverage: Over 180 articles secured in just six months, with placements in top-tier publications like ‘Handelsblatt’ and ‘Süddeutsche Zeitung’, and a cover story in ‘Markt und Mittelstand’.
  • Huge reach: An astounding online reach of over one billion potential visits, couple with a print circulation surpassing two million, ensured RobCo’s message was heard far and wide.
  • Trade press: Featured articles in industry-specific publications – such as those targeted towards industrial SMBs, logistics, and automation – helped cement RobCo as the leader in modular robotics solutions.
  • Investor confidence: The successful financing round, amplified by strategic PR, attracted significant investor interest and solidified RobCo’s foundations for future growth.

Through an integrated approach that leveraged media relations, thought leadership, and impactful events, RobCo’s brand narrative was amplified and its vision for the future of modular robotics brought into sharp focus – leading to a surge in market and investor awareness.

pictures copyright of RobCo

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