
Five reasons your press release isn’t getting the coverage it deserves (and how to fix it)

Written by Aaron Frank

16 September 2024


There’s nothing more disheartening than spending hours writing a press release, getting approvals from the various parties involved, creating a foolproof media list with tailored pitches, sending it out and receiving…nothing. No bites, no coverage, nada.

And the thing is, you know your news is worth sharing, so what is stopping it from resonating with the media? Why aren’t they excited to publish your story?

Well, realistically, it could be any number of reasons. But, before giving up and resigning yourself to obscurity, here are five of the most common pitfalls that might be stopping your release from getting media coverage (along with solutions on how to turn things around):

  1. It’s a sales pitch, not a story

Journalists are inundated with pitches on a daily basis and will be quickly put off by thinly-veiled advertisements. So, if your press release reads like a product brochure, there’s a high chance it is destined for the bin.

Instead, focus on crafting a compelling narrative. Highlight the human element, the problem solved, the unexpected twist. Create a press release that tells a story, evokes an emotional response, and is more likely to capture the audience’s attention.

  1. It’s buried in jargon

Jargon can be difficult to avoid, particularly for those within the B2B tech industry. However, include too much of it within your press release and you risk alienating journalists and readers alike.

Try to ensure your writing is clear, concise, and easily understandable by a general audience. Avoid buzzwords and overly technical language as much as possible and, if you do need to include certain industry terms, ensure these are explained. Remember, it’s a story, not a textbook.

  1. You’re targeting the wrong audience

Sure, in an ideal world, every press release you put out would be on the front page of the BBC. But realistically, that isn’t going to happen.

In the majority of cases, taking a more targeted approach is going to generate more coverage. Take the time to identify key journalists and influencers in your industry and tailor your pitch towards them. You can also leverage social media to amplify your message, building stronger relationships with journalists in your niche.

  1. There’s no evidence

Numbers lend credibility and create engaging headlines. If you’re claiming that your new service has led to a significant increase in customer satisfaction, then you need the data to show it. If you have a theory about your industry, commission research to prove it.

Back up your claims with concrete data and the newsworthiness of your press release will skyrocket.

  1. It isn’t actually newsworthy

This can be the hardest to admit but, looking at your announcement objectively, is it actually newsworthy? It might be new information, but is it interesting, relevant, and impactful?

If you press release lacks these elements, then it is unlikely to generate a buzz. In which case, try approaching it from a different angle or offering a new perspective. Infuse the release with data, include quotes from industry experts, or amplify the human-interest element to make your article more appealing.

Maximising media coverage

There are plenty of press release examples and templates available online which can help you structure your release, but they won’t necessarily help you secure coverage. Drafting a release that resonates with journalists requires a strategic approach, prioritising newsworthiness, clarity, data, engagement and, most importantly, storytelling.

By acknowledging the common pitfalls and implementing these tips to avoid them, you can significantly increase your chances of securing media coverage and boosting your PR success.

Ready to transform your press release strategy? Get in touch today and discover how we can amplify your brand story.